NN Marathon Rotterdam

12 en 13 april 2025

Start your fundraiser


Run and raise money with your colleagues!

Join us in athletic action together! As a company, you can make a big impact while running. And besides, it's ideal for team spirit. Train together and challenge each other until you cross the finish line.

Let the challenge be part of the corperate wellbeing program or offer it as an option for your employees, so they can make a big difference in a physical way. For everyone living with and after cancer.

Will you also run against cancer during the NN Marathon Rotterdam?



Any questions?

Do you have a question about how you as a company can take action? Send an email to rentgenkanker@kwf.nl.

Team Cromwell ran against cancer

When colleague Ernestine was diagnosed with breast cancer, her colleagues at Cromwell decided to go and Run against Cancer. They formed a team and ran the TCS Amsterdam Marathon for Ernestine and for KWF. In this video they share their story.

Use our tools & downloads

Handtekening in e-mail

Handtekening in e-mail

Laat bij elk mailtje zien dat je actie voert voor KWF. Met een handige footer die je als handtekening in je e-mail kunt zetten.

Ren tegen kanker - Voortgang-poster

Ren tegen kanker - Voortgang-poster

Een poster waarmee je dmv een inkleur-thermometer kunt laten zien hoeveel geld je al hebt opgehaald. Hang ‘m op een zichtbare plek, zodat ...

Fondsenwervende ideeën van A tot Z

Fondsenwervende ideeën van A tot Z

Een helder overzicht met tips voor fondsenwerving.

Ren tegen kanker - Afbeeldingen social media

Ren tegen kanker - Afbeeldingen social media

Handige afbeeldingen die je kunt plaatsen op Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn of Whatsapp ze naar je vrienden. Vraag aan iedereen om ze te delen.



How many runners are in a team?

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A team has a minimum of 2 members. There is no maximum number of team members.

How much is the registration fee?

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We do not charge an entry fee to participate in Run Against Cancer. You can participate in two ways:

1)Register for a distance of your choice and raise a minimum of €750. You will then receive a starting ticket from KWF as well as a unique Run Against Cancer shirt. In return, you must raise at least 750 euros for cancer research before January 13th. If you don't raise the 750 euro in time, you can buy your own ticket for the NN Marathon Rotterdam. Warning! This event sells out. Make sure you buy your ticket in time!

2) Buy your own ticket for NN Marathon Rotterdam and create a Run Against Cancer fundraising page. There is no minimum amount we ask of you. If you raise more than 500 euros you will be rewarded with the Run against cancer shirt!

My employer wants to sponsor me. How does that work?

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We prefer to receive donations via your fundraising page. Your employer receives an email confirming the payment at the specified email address.

Is it not possible to transfer the donation through your fundraising page? Please send us the following information to rentegenkanker@kwf.nl :

- Company Name 
- Contact name
- Donation amount

We will then create a donation request (invoice). This request will contain a reference number linked to your action. This invoice can be paid via the bank. When the donation is in our account, we will manually add it to your fundraising page.

KWF Dutch Cancer Society

We are very happy to have you as a fundraiser. Because together with our campaigners, KWF can make a difference. For everyone affected by cancer. Being able to live life as much as possible. We do everything together to achieve that.
Many people are devoted to KWF. We gratefully make use of the power of our community.

More about KWF

Need help?

Questions about your fundraising page? Check out our frequently asked questions about business teams. Could not find the answer? Contact us via rentegenkanker@kwf.nl or call during office hours to +3120 570 05 70 (regular costs).