TCS Amsterdam Marathon

18 & 19 October 2025

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Run and raise money at the TCS Amsterdam Marathon

Start your fundraiser

Run against cancer during the TCS Amsterdam Marathon. Individually or in a team of friends or colleagues. You can participate in two ways: 

1) Register with KWF. Raise the minimum sponsorship amount of 750 euro before September 12th and KWF rewards you with a free ticket and the Run against cancer-shirt. You have until September 29th to redeem your vouchercode for a free ticket!

2) Buy your own ticket. Create a fundraising page and start raising money. If you raise at least 500 euro you will be rewarded with our unique Run against cancer-shirt!

Share your fundraiser

The more people you engage, the faster you will reach your goal. Fill your action page with your personal story and use Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram and WhatsApp to share your action. This way the news that you are raising money for cancer research will spread quickly! You'll be surprised at the number of people who will help you reach your goal.


Achieved your target amount? Great! Feel like raising the bar even higher? Increase your goal and raise even more funds. Together we can create hope instead of hopelessness for everyone that is affected by cancer.

Register now

TCS Amsterdam Marathon

On Sunday October 19th 2025 the 49th edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon will take place. This international marathon is known for its flat and attractive course with many highlights through our capital. Run through the passage of the iconical Rijksmuseum, past the Amstel and finish in the beautiful and historic Olympic Stadium. Choose between the classic 42km, the Half Marathon or 7,5 km. Run against cancer and for life during the TCS Amsterdam Marathon!

Who do you run for?

1 in 2 people in the Netherlands develop cancer in their lifetime. Whether you have it yourself. Or someone you care about. Cancer unbalances your life.

Turn despair into power.

These participants ran against cancer in last years edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon. All with their own stories. Who are you running for?

‘The fact that I can just run a marathon within six months since the end of my treatment for lymphoma means that I'm stronger then cancer.'

Read Louise's' (20) testimonial

"I decided to join Run Against Cancer when my mother's cancer suddenly returned after more than 10 years. In 2021 it turned out there was a tumor on her vertebra: a metastasis of the breast cancer from 2007. Unfortunately, the Utrecht marathon, in which I was supposed to run, was postponed. In return for my sponsors, I still ran the half marathon in March 2022. Not aware that I was actually already sick myself..."

Read Danique's (32) testimonial

"There are six majors in the marathon world: Boston, New York, Chicago, Berlin, London and Tokyo. My father, Stefan, ran the first four. Unfortunately, the last two never happened. It is my goal to run these majors for him before I reach the age of 30. To start my journey, I am running my first marathon in my hometown Amsterdam"

Read Sven's (23) testimonial

Experience Run against Cancer

During the 2023 edition, this short documentary was made about a group of friends. They share their experiences. What impact does cancer have on their lives? How did they prepare for the Amsterdam Marathon?

Feeling inspired? Take action for KWF and join Run Against Cancer during the TCS Amsterdam Marathon.

Featured Fundraisers

What do we run for?

More patients to benefit from new treatments

Participants in the TCS Amsterdam Marathon contribute to research at the Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam. A lot of cancer research takes place at this renowned institute. With the proceeds from previous editions, they set up a large-scale research network. So that as many patients as possible benefit from their innovative treatments. Not only in academic hospitals, but also in regional hospitals.

Prof. dr. Kazemier of the Cancer Center Amsterdam

Together we can make a difference with or without cancer

By mobilising volunteers, activists and talents

we make the most of the power of our community. Together, we make a difference for a better life without and with cancer.

By campaigning about prevention, research and fundraising

we keep all stakeholders aware of the causes and consequences of cancer.

By making strong alliances and partners

we create support and strengthen our position in society.

By focusing on groundbreaking cancer research

we strive for results that really make a difference.

  • It starts with you

  • and your friends

  • who together raise funds for

  • less cancer

  • more cures

  • and a better quality of life

  • Together against cancer

KWF Dutch Cancer Society

We are very happy to have you as a fundraiser. Because together with our campaigners, KWF can make a difference. For everyone affected by cancer. Being able to live life as much as possible. We do everything together to achieve that.
Many people are devoted to KWF. We gratefully make use of the power of our community.

Need help with your fundraising page?

Send us an email via or call during office hours: +31 20 5700570.
We'd love to help!