Ariadni Diamantopoulou

Utrecht Marathon 2025

I am running for cancer during the Utrecht Half Marathon

Cancer has played a big part in my life. I have finally found a way to do something about it. I'm going to raise money for cancer research, by running my first half marathon! Money that is badly needed, because no less than 1 in 2 people in the Netherlands is diagnosed with cancer. Sponsor me and help KWF finance important cancer research. On behalf of me and KWF: thank you! 

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My reason why

Wednesday 16th Oct
At 21 years old, I have decided to run my first ever Half Marathon and raise money for cancer research. Cancer has played a big role in my life, and so this race has a special place in my heart!
Unfortunately I have seen more than one family member fight with cancer. And I know that it is not an easy battle, and one that not everyone can win. I have felt and seen how this battle with cancer affects everyone around it, family, friends and even acquaintances. 
I have decided to transform my frustration into action. And what better way is there to do it, than by combining my two personal goals: running a Half Marathon and helping in the battle against cancer.
On May 18th I will participate in the Utrecht Half Marathon. Do you want to sponsor me?
All contributions, big and small, have made me happier and stronger! From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Mijn donateurs




Iliana Filippopoulou



Spyros Koutis


Ariadni Diamantopoulou


Kardelen Kadilar

You got this Ari!! -K