I am participating in the NN CPC Run The Hague to raise awareness and support for cancer research
I’m participating to raise funds for cancer research, money that is urgently needed because one in two people in the Netherlands will be diagnosed with cancer.
Sponsor me and help KWF finance important cancer research for better treatments, higher survival rates, and the best care. On behalf of myself and KWF: thank you!
You can also use a bank transfer if iDEAL or credit card isn't working:
KWF Kankerbestrijding
IBAN: NL23 RABO 0333 7779 99
Reference: NN CPC Run The Hague - Lara Swart
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€500 euro opgehaald: t-shirt verdiend
Mijn donateurs
Mark Galvin
Thank you for all you do for these great causes, especially ones close to yours and others hearts.
Christopher Gardner
Thank you for being such an inspiration!
Rachel Fefer
Christiaan Henniger
Mooi initiatief Lara cheers Edouard
Paul en Jeanette Rensen Van Den Berg
Lieve Laar, wat ontzettend goed dat je je inzet voor KWF! We wensen je veel succes en plezier, we steunen je graag!! Heel veel liefs
Michiel Baart
Fred Cordes
Sophie Pdg
You can be proud of you for this initiative! Go Lara!
Marcel Lamers
Lara Swart
Succes met de run en waanzinnig dat je dit doet!!
Clemmie Mcfall
Amazing Lara! Well done