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Ik ren tegen kanker tijdens de NN CPC Loop Den Haag
Ik doe mee om geld op te halen voor kankeronderzoek. Geld dat heel hard nodig is, want maar liefst 1 op de 2 mensen in Nederland krijgt de diagnose kanker. Sponsor mij en help KWF met de financiering van belangrijk onderzoek naar kanker. Voor betere behandelingen, hogere overlevingskansen en de beste zorg. Namens mij en KWF: dankjewel!
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Good luck on your run against cancer Marta! My brother in law just passed away a week ago. Thank you for your love.

Femke Stephan
Goed bezig Marta, zet hem op!!!

Esther & Joshua
Good luck Marta!

Brawo, Marta! Jesteś wspaniała! Serdeczne pozdrowienia, M&G

Succes, Marta! You can do it :)

Hilary Jane

Anke Versteeg
Success Marta!

Dan Crane
Good luck Marta!

Yay, Marta!

Marthe Uitterhoeve-Van Den Dobbelsteen
Succes Marta!

Christina M
All my best wishes and best of luck for the admirable challenge you've set for yourself!

Thank you for doing this Marta, an inspiration as always.

Mark van Assem

Fantastic Marta, good luck!

Deirdre-Arjen-Nieve Casella
Good luck on your run Marta! Fantastic that you dedicate your CPC run to KWF 💞. Zet em op! x D,A&N

Karin Clavel
In Dutch we say: zet ‘m op!

Aleksandra Wilczynska

Amazing that you are doing this Marta!



So cool that you're doing this!

Mirjam Teunissen

Anne Hofmann

Friedel Grant
Zet 'm op, Marta!

Sjef and Paula
Thank you for doing this Marta and thanks for allowing us to join you! You are such an inspiration! Go with all the power my dear!


Efi Gkoumassi

Carola Gleijm
Heel veel succes Marta, zet hem op, namens de ruijt 26, Carola en Oscar

Iza +3
Lots of success Marta! Iza+3

Good luck with the training! Carlien

Jasper van Dijck

Maria Cruz
Go Marta! So inspiring that you are doing this! 😀

Jon Verriet

Mark Cole
Good on you Marta, the journey’s more than the marathon. Good luck with training.


Shalini and Luca
Marta, You’re running for such an impactful cause, and we’re thrilled to cheer you on and stay inspired by your incredible journey. Wishing you and everyone good health and success! With admiration and support, Luca and Shalini

Yasemin Turkyilmaz
Thanks Marta for doing this and inspiring us as always! Good luck and enjoy!


Anna Kus
Enjoy Marta!

Madeleine de Smaele
Such a great initiative. Good luck!

Just de Leeuwe

Tanya Yankelevich

Good luck Marta! You’re incredible ❤️ All the best and we are cheering you on every step of the way!

Good luck Marta, it’s a great cause and we’re cheering you on!

Yan Wang
Very inspiring initiative! Marta! Super proud of you!

Thank you for supporting cancer research! It takes a real dedication to make a difference, and I am so inspired by the way you’ve stepped up and initiated this fundraising. l am so grateful to know someone as inspiring as you Marta.

Frederique Belliard
Good luck Marta. I wish I could run with you. Thanks a lot for doing this
Good luck Marta, and don't forget to enjoy the run - Fieke