Viktor Bereziouk

Maastrichts Mooiste 2024

Ik ren tegen kanker tijdens Maastrichts Mooiste

Ik doe mee om geld op te halen voor kankeronderzoek. Geld dat heel hard nodig is, want maar liefst 1 op de 2 mensen in Nederland krijgt de diagnose kanker. Sponsor mij en help KWF met de financiering van belangrijk onderzoek naar kanker. Namens mij en KWF: dankjewel!

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Running for a Cause: Honoring My Loved Ones in the Fight Against Stomach Cancer

Wednesday 17th Apr
As I lace up my running shoes and prepare to take on a 10-mile race, I am filled with a mix of emotions—excitement, determination, and a profound sense of purpose. But behind each step I take lies a story of loss, resilience, and hope.

Stomach cancer has cast a long shadow over my family, claiming the lives of my grandpa, sister, and first cousin. Their battles with this relentless disease were marked by courage and grace, but ultimately, they were taken from us far too soon. Their absence leaves an indelible void in my heart, but it also fuels my commitment to making a difference in the fight against stomach cancer.

As I train for this race, I am reminded of their strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Every mile I run is not just a physical challenge, but a testament to their enduring spirit. I carry their memories with me, drawing inspiration from their unwavering determination to never give up.

But I'm not just running for them—I'm running for the countless others who have been affected by stomach cancer. I'm running for the families who have felt the same pain and loss that mine has experienced. And I'm running to support the vital work of organizations like the KWF, who are dedicated to funding research, providing support, and raising awareness about this devastating disease.

Through this race, I have the opportunity to turn my grief into action, to honor the memory of my loved ones, and to make a tangible impact in the fight against stomach cancer. But I can't do it alone. I need your support.

By donating to my fundraising page, you're not just sponsoring my race—you're contributing to a cause that is deeply personal to me and countless others. Your generosity will help fund groundbreaking research, provide support to patients and families, and ultimately, bring us one step closer to a world without stomach cancer.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can honor the memory of those we've lost and give hope to those who are still fighting. Thank you for joining me on this journey. With your support, I know we can cross the finish line—together.

Let's run for a cure. Let's run for hope. Let's run for a future free from stomach cancer.

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Viktor Bereziouk